Meat A Plenty!! We spent a wonderful Easter Sunday with Floyd, Marina, and their "extended" family (15 total). Kevin, Chebie, and Iluir tried out the newly constructed barbeque by cooking up.. are you ready for this?... 7 lbs of sausage, wait, there's more, 7 lbs of chicken and,oh yes, 19 lbs of pork and beef!!! There were enough left overs to last two weeks for at least three families (see attached picture)! We did have a little bit of potatoe salad and vegetable salad, but mostly, just meat for the meal. The dessert was All American. I baked up my Mom's double chocolate brownies and I showed Marina how to make Pumpkin, Blackberry and Pecan Pies, american style for Easter. We also had
three different types of ice cream to go with the pies and brownies. I was in dessert heaven! We all ate in the newly constructed porch. Fortunately, it wasn't too chilly (middle 50s or low 60s).

Easter Traditions. Marina and I had a great time showing the kids how to paint their eggs for egg hunting. They did a pretty good job. In Brazil, the eggs are emptied of their yolks before coloring. They then make candied peanuts (caramelized sugar coating) and put that inside the emptied and painted eggs. So, Brazilian children get more sugar besides just their Easter basket. The kids had a wonderful time trying to find the eggs. Before they painted the eggs (before easter) and found the eggs (on Easter) Floyd & Marina shared the story about Christ and why Easter is so special.

Kevin & I had a wonderful Easter Celebration with our family away from home. Kevin even played Canasta with the boys after dinner. I got to help with the clean up!!
Love All!

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